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    August 23, 2010


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    You might also be able to get away with including your GWO Conversion Script in your global template or include (every page on the site) and not using that template/include on your 2 test pages (index1.html and index2.html or whatever).

    That is, if they view ANY other page on the site, it would count in GWO as a conversion.



    good post, but here's one thing to look out for.

    If your website is using redirection on the home page (e.g. redirecting to, you can wind up with some whacked out numbers for your traffic sources.

    Because Google typically uses the 'last-referrer' method, when someone hits the home page from an external link that points to, when Google sends that visit to one of the test pages, there is a potential for that 'organic' or other medium visit to be reported as 'direct' instead.

    Now admittedly, there are other factors that may be causing this to happen, like placement of the analytics code on the page, the type of CMS you're using, etc. But it can happen, and can suck pretty bad if not caught right away.

    Still, handy tip for lots of people I'm sure.

    Janco Klijnstra - Traffic4u

    Nice post. You could also tag all underlying pages with the GWO conversion code to set bounce rate as a goal in the GWO, but that might be a lot of work in some cases. Also with tools like the visual website optimizer you can just simply slect bounce rate as a goal, because with this tool you already tagged all your pages.

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