If any web analytics conference demands - and deserves - complete and utter focus it's X Change. I meant to micro-blog while I was there but as it happened I did not issue a single tweet; I was too busy interacting with the people around me in real life.
One attendee remarked that X Change 2008 was a series of panel discussions where everyone was a panelist. Whatever it was, it worked, I learned a lot, and I had a great time doing it.
Here are the discussions (aka huddles) I attended:
- Bob Schukai - The Mobile Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities
- John Lovett - Industry Standards or a Lack Thereof …
- Ron Pinsky - Integrating Customer Experience and Marketing Data with Web Analytics
- David Yoakum - Measuring Web 2.0: Interactions, Events, and Consumer Generated Content
- Bob Schukai - Mobile Technology: Development, Deployment and Measurement
They were all excellent. Every single one was a productive and lively conversation. Along with other X Change staff members I took copious notes during the huddles; we'll be compiling everything into a conference proceedings document, so stay tuned for details.
Aside from the actual huddle business there was plenty of time for socializing and fine dining, with expertly organized formal gatherings on both Sunday and Monday night. These events were naturally capped off by late-night lobby bar excursions. Yes I was there.
On Tuesday night, after the official conclusion of the conference, I hosted my own event for conference-goers and locals alike - Web Analytics Wednesday. Thank you Unica and SiteSpect for providing this month's sponsorship. As proof that we have arrived, WAW got mentioned in everybody's favorite tech gossip blog, Valleywag.
While I am a little relieved that X Change has ended (whew, I can rest!) I am already looking forward to next year. Gary Angel and Eric Peterson, thank you for making this happen.
I have created a LinkedIn group for X Change 2008 attendees so we can all stay connected. If you were there, please join.
More X Change pictures on Flickr here.
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